Women in Business

Masterminds for Savvy Home Business Women

Build a Profitable, Rewarding Home Business, and Life

Stop Going it Alone: See How Laser Coaching, Mastermind Meetings, Training, and Tools Can Help You Stop the Struggle and Love Your Life and Home Business

  • Being self-employed can be isolating.
  • Working women have a very particular set of challenges.
  • The demands of working from home can overpower even the strongest among us.

The two things we all seem to need more of are:

  • Time
  • A connection with other successful women who know and understand what it means to be a working woman and are ready to step in to help and support other women.

Why Women Only

There’s no question that men and women communicate differently. Our approach to life and business is different. For women, business is also about connecting hearts. We tend to be more collaborative and supportive of each other. More than that, when we have other women in business around us, we have natural mentors and role models, teachers, and friends. We become more successful ourselves, even as we support the other women we associate with.

I work with women only because they’re the people I’m most passionate about helping. I’ve seen far too many women trying to fit themselves into somebody else’s version of who they should be. The result is overwhelm, frustration, and struggle. My vision is to take those options away and have every woman know who she is; to step confidently into her place in the world.

What Makes a Mastermind Group Different?

There are so many groups for women in business: networking groups, professional organizations, clubs, business groups, and more. Is a mastermind group really needed?

Absolutely. All groups have a particular purpose. None of the other types of groups provide what a mastermind does:

The mastermind exists with the focus on the success of each and every one of its members. You all work together and are invested in the growth and development of each other as well as yourself. You don’t get that in any other group.

Different than just associating with other women?

Yes. A mastermind provides structure and focus, so the time you spend in the group always produces results for you.

Life isn’t always smooth. Your mastermind group is your life preserver when you need it, your cheering squad when you want it, and your advisory board always. Members have a willingness to open up and be vulnerable. You show up, warts and all, saying, “I’m here. I’m in this place…again!” You bring your blocks, challenges, situations where you’re stuck, your wins and celebrations and your group is right there for you and with you.

In your mastermind, you experience, first hand, the power of women working together. In your group, you’ll combine the minds of all members to solve problems, share advice, consider different perspectives, and achieve goals with greater results than if you act like Super Woman and go it alone. You connect at a heart level which is where women do some of their best work.

The Sum of the Whole is Greater than its Parts

It’s true! In a mastermind, you put 6 or more heads together, and you have the opportunity to grow yourself and your home business. You have a committed group of women helping and supporting each other.

The Beginning of it All

While masterminds have been around since the time of Socrates, the modern concept of a mastermind started with Napoleon Hill.

He wrote two of the best business books of all time: Think and Grow Rich and The Success Principles. In these books, he talks about the power of the mastermind and says:

“A mastermind alliance consists of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite objective.

    “Through a mastermind alliance, you can appropriate and use the full strength of the experience, training, and knowledge of others just as if they were your own.

    “No individual has ever achieved success without the help and cooperation of others.

    “The value of ‘gathering together those of a like mind‘ is self-evident.

    “A group of brains coordinated in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought-energy than a single brain, just as a group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a single battery.”

A Mastermind is Not for Everybody

Just being a woman in business doesn’t mean a mastermind is right for you.

It IS for you if:

  • You want to tap into the power of a group of other women.
  • Eliminating overwhelm, overload, and overwork is a priority in your life.
  • You know you can be more and have more when you’re not doing it all alone.
  • You’re ready for more focus and direction in your life and business.
  • You want to soar past extraordinary to something greater – ordinary is not an option.
  • You’re willing to be challenged.
  • You want to help other women grow and develop themselves and their businesses.

A mastermind is NOT for you if:

  • You already have the perfect balance of work and life.
  • Your home business is as efficient and profitable as you want – there’s nothing more you want.
  • Committing the time and energy to being part of a mastermind is not possible – there’s just too many other things pulling on you.
  • You’re not willing to share your personal insights to benefit other group members.
  • Asking for help, even when you know you desperately need it, is not something you’re willing to do.
  • You’re not willing to be held accountable.

Does Facilitator Training Matter?

Like with so many professions, there are a lot of people running masterminds with no training. That’s not a bad thing, necessarily. But working with a trained mastermind facilitator means you have a guide who’s trained in listening skills, knows how to manage the flow of conversations, can hold you accountable in a way that keeps you moving forward, and can step in when challenging situations arise. Couple that with coach training, and you’ve got a winning combination for your PUSH the Envelope™ Mastermind Facilitator.

My Journey to Masterminds

I’ve had my own home business since the mid-1980s and have lived through the challenges, found solutions, and survived.

When I was a CPA, I was involved in many groups, and the ones that served me best were the women’s organizations. Regardless of what else was going on in my life, I knew I had women to use as a sounding board and from whom I could ask for help when needed. I was never alone and was able to grow a successful accounting business.

I moved to coaching and had the same kind of support from fellow coaches, all of whom would do just about anything to help a fellow coach. It was an extraordinary feeling knowing somebody always had my back and all I had to do was reach out for answers, solutions, and support.

When working in internet marketing, I had far less support. I was working on a computer from home and seldom had contact with another person. I was isolated and alone. Business on the internet moves and changes so quickly that without a support system in place, I quickly became overwhelmed and dispirited.

Now I was left with a business I hated and little to no success. I’d lost my community because I seldom left the house. I wasn’t involved in any group. I knew I needed to return to my coaching roots and build from that but found myself floundering without the support I so desperately wanted.

My Solution – A Mastermind

So what did I do? I created a group to satisfy the need I was feeling. My new mastermind group brought together a group of women I knew and respected; women willing to commit the time and energy to themselves and the other women in the group. As we grew closer, we also grew our businesses and learned to master our lives. Being a member of the group enriched each of us. The group is what I needed to move forward. This mastermind group continues to this day and has become even more valuable to me with each passing month.

I tell you my story because it highlights the power of women working together for a common purpose. (This applies to men as well. I’m addressing only women here since I only work with women.)

Laura Hess MCC and Mastermind Facilitator with PUSH the Envelope™ Masterminds and CoachingMeet me, Laura Hess, MCC

“With training in Coaching, Mastermind Facilitation, and NLP, as well as experience as a CPA and business owner, I’ve seen just about everything and heard all the stories. I know what it takes to create a successful business, and I know how to bring your business and personal lives together in a way that works for you. The combination of my experience and training gives me a deeper understanding of how to run a mastermind, and a broader skill set for effectively moving you to the actions you need to take. As your Facilitator, you get all of me. I bring all my skills, training, experience, and heart to our PUSH the Envelope™ meetings with only one goal in mind: The success of each and every group member.”

What’s In It For You?

Some of the benefits of being part of a PUSH the Envelope™ mastermind:

  • Make decisions instead of staying stuck.
  • Sharpen your business and personal skills.
  • Tap into the experience and expertise of the other members.
  • Create real progress in your home business.
  • Get honest feedback, advice, and brainstorming.
  • Solve problems that have been stumping you for a long time.
  • Create action plans and have the group hold you accountable.
  • Receive critical insights into yourself and your business.
  • Gain a sense of shared efforts and intentionNo More Super Woman.
  • Opportunity to help other women achieve the success they want.
  • Gain confidence in yourself and your decisions.
  • Start saying “No” more.
  • …and so much more.

Monthly membership in a PUSH the Envelope™ Mastermind for Women Home Business Owners is only $200 – Your membership fee will never go up.

Join a PUSH the Envelope™ Mastermind Group

Call me at 702•252•3657 or send me an email so we can connect. Then get ready to meet your PUSH the Envelope™ group and get started.

Another group is starting in February. Make the leap. Make a PUSH the Envelope™ Mastermind Group your secret weapon for 2017!

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman.
But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.”
Melinda Gates

Find your voice with PUSH the Envelope™!







